Please find answers to the most commonly asked questions. If you have additional questions please reach out by calling 702-972-0554 or by email:

Question: Can I ask for a specific color backpack, toy, or other items?
Answer: Unfortunately, due to the high volume of donation requests we receive, we cannot fulfill individual preferences. Donations are provided based on the age and gender of your child/children.
Question: Can you help me with my bills?
Answer: We apologize, but the only programs available through I’m Young And Empowered, Inc. are Back to School, Thanksgiving, Winter Coats, and A Gift for ME!
Question: Can I enroll one of my students, friend or family member in your outreach programs?
Answer: Unfortunately you may not, we must have direct contact with all participants. You may refer them to our website, however they must meet our eligibility requirements, have a reachable phone number and preferably have access to email.
Question: I don’t have regular internet access. How can I find out about sign-up dates to enroll in your programs?
Answer: You can call 702-972-0554, Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 4 pm, to request updates and sign-up information via phone.
Question: What if I'm not home when donations are delivered?
Answer: An adult must be present to accept the donations, as our volunteers cannot leave items unattended. If no adult is present we will move onto our next delivery, will not hold your items and will select the next family from our waiting list.
Question: How can I sign up, if your registration says it is closed?
Answer: Our program sign ups are open until we reach capacity on the number of families we can serve. If sign up is full, this means we can no longer accept additional program participants.