We are honored to offer outreach programs exclusively to families who reside in the Las Vegas valley and are qualified as working low-income and/or recipients of Medicaid, SNAP, SSI/SSDI, TANF or unemployment benefits.
​We serve up to approximately 35 children per program and our services are designed for families with children
ages 4 years to 12 years old.
In order to qualify for our services, applicant must provide:
Valid identification
Proof of address such as: lease agreement/utility bill.
Income verification via documentation such as: medicaid card, EBT/Snap card, award letter, unemployment compensation or paystubs.
Documentation of guardianship for all children signed up for the program.
Confirmation of participation is required 72 hours in advance of a program event.
You will be contacted by phone and/or email.
If no confirmation is received, we will move onto our waiting list.
Services are based on first come first served basis AND depend on donations received.
Our distribution event locations vary are to be determined and you will be notified upon completing registration for the program.​
If we have not secured an event location, home delivery is our method of distribution to the Las Vegas metropolitan area only.
Bring all documentation to the outreach event/present at distribution delivery.
** An adult must be present to accept the donations, as our volunteers cannot leave items unattended. If no adult is present - we will move onto our next delivery, will not hold your items and will select the next family from our waiting list.
You may call 702-972-0554, Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm, if you have any questions or if you need to sign up by phone.
* We accept operator relay calls. If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability call 711 for assistance.
* We no longer offer rent, utility, medical/dental or bus pass assistance. Please visit Nevada 211 for additional resources.